Vilniaus 700-ojo jubiliejaus proga rugsėjo 28 dieną Londone pristatomas vieno ryškiausių Lietuvos video menininko Rimo Sakalausko audio vizualinis projektas „Unveiling Vilnius: An Immersive Experiencer“. Šis projektas Londone bus gyvai pristatytas kartu su Twenty Fingers Duo ir Roko Vaitkevičiaus gyvai atliekamu kompozitoriaus Kristupo Bubnelio kūriniu. Vieta – „Aures London“ erdvės.
London, Vilnius is coming to say hi to you!
Step into a world of wonder as Vilnius is celebrating its 700th anniversary with a unique gift for London – a journey into the captivating, unseen side of the Lithuanian capital. Join us on September 28th at Aures London for an immersive experience that will redefine how you perceive the city.
Discover the enchanting charm of Vilnius through the artistic vision of acclaimed creator Rimas Sakalauskas, renowned for his mesmerizing 3D artworks and represented by Vilnius city gallery Meno Niša. Let the electronic melodies of „Twenty Fingers Duo” blend seamlessly with stunning visuals, unveiling Vilnius in a whole new light. Don’t miss this chance to engage your senses and explore the heart of Vilnius in a way like never before.
Artist: Rimas Sakalauskas
Music: Twenty Fingers Duo & Rokas Vaitkevičius
Composer: Kristupas Bubnelis, electronics: Elias P. Brown
Curator: Sonata Baliuckaitė
Location: Aures London, Leake Street Arches, 18 Leake Street, London, SE1 7NN, United Kingdom
Organisers: GoVilnius and Vilnius city gallery Meno niša